Subsidiary Companies of Amathis International Holding
About Amathis General Holding
In today’s complex world of business, factors such as competition and globalization, the instability of the market environment, the decline of corporate governance, the natural growth of corporations and their efforts to gain greater market share, as well as the potential to enter new business and profit. It has made the merging and grouping of firms into parent companies (holding) not only common in developed countries but also in developing countries. With the unmatched patience and endless efforts of managers and employees, Amathis Group is committed to achieving great goals and in its strategic plan intends to execute numerous projects in the field of luxury construction, employment and entrepreneurship, production and Modern industrial development is taking its toll.
Amathis Co
Amathis Parseh Iranian
Amathis Co
Amathis Parseh Iranian
Amathis Co
Amathis Parseh Iranian

The combination of experience and expertise is very powerful. Our experience in understanding customer requirements, combined with technical expertise and sharing the expertise of business partners together, has enabled us to come up with the right IT solutions, effective service, high-profit business, and achieve all business goals. Provide for many clients in projects. There is no denying the fact that today teamwork and the use of all capacities and capabilities lead to success and the capacity to provide all the required products and services. For this reason, it makes us unique in providing the desired results. Our customers can be comfortable in being served by a professional company that has been successful over the years, some of which have been very sophisticated.
Dr.Omid Mousavi
Chairman of the Holding
Areas of activity in Europe and the Middle East
We are the exclusive representative of all products in Iran, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Georgia, the United Arab Emirates, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Amathis Holding Offices in Europe
Amathis carries out all commercial, transport and logistics operations for the delivery of products purchased from Europe by experienced and specialized personnel in the offices of Milan and Barcelona.
Amathis Holding Offices in Asia
Amathis Holding distributes the products of its contracted companies with representative offices in the mentioned countries.

Holding ' s history
Below is a history of the formation of Amathis Holding Companies
Amathis Parsa
In today’s complex world of business, factors such as competition and globalization, the instability of the market environment, the decline of corporate governance, the natural growth of corporations and their efforts to gain greater market share, as well as the potential to enter new business and profit. It has made the merging and grouping of firms into parent companies (holding) not only common in developed countries but also in developing countries. With the unmatched patience and endless efforts of managers and employees, Amathis Group is committed to achieving great goals and in its strategic plan intends to execute numerous projects in the field of luxury construction, employment and entrepreneurship, production and Modern industrial development is taking its toll.
Amathis Parseh
Amathis Parseh Iranian Company was established in 2009 in the field of cosmetics, detergents and hand sanitizers.
Yademan Tosea Alborz
Alborz Development Memorial Construction Group, established in 1390, is personally active in the construction of villas, residential complexes and interior design of buildings.
Amathis Health
Amathis Health capital company with more than 10 years success experience in presenting services is one of success companies in commercial fields and now as exclusive representative of SILC ITALY in pet care products also exclusive agent of UNIMARK.PET FOOD spain in pet food we are proud to assign big part of our effort to doing yeoman’s service and presenting high quality products ,And to achieve this important goal we have cooperation with young and skilled team by using management advances with a lifetime experience.Amathis since stating activities always believed to honesty and this is obvious in all decisions and acts of Amathis.
Armani Logistic Airport City
Logistics, the process of planning, implementing and monitoring services and information related to the transportation and storage of goods from the source to the place of consumption, which aims to meet customer needs, including internal and external flows, internal and external.The most important factor in the competition between industries, manufacturers and service providers is the costs in supply chains. Owners of goods and chain managers make extensive efforts to reduce these costs. Among these efforts are logistics and transportation planning studies, and among them, land use studies have a special role in transportation planning and spatial network design. The location of production points and travel absorption in supply chains, as well as their communication routes, are the most important inputs for any logistics and transportation planning project.
Amathis Tose’e
Amathis Tose’e Company is one of the subsidiaries of Amathis Parseh, which, after receiving a distribution license from the Iranian Broadcasting Industry Association and the Ministry of Silence from the Mining Industry and Trade, with the participation of the domestic transportation fleet, distributes capillaries from a wide range of domestic and foreign products. Consumer hands act.